CRASH Jewelry Promotional Video

CRASH Jewelry Promotional Video

Hello and Happy International Women's Day!

Recently we've been trying to increase our brand recognition by trying out some new marketing ideas. One of these is the promotional video for your business or small enterprise. I've been told that a 2 minute video is perfect because most people don't want to spend longer than 2 minutes on anything these days. Initially, I found this hard to believe. But, then I began perusing YouTube and Vimeo and realized that I, too, was one of those with a short attention span. Shocking.

So, without any further ado, here is our SAS (short attention span) promotional video. Please be kind.






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Nanette July 21 2016

Your jewelry is very unique and beautiful. I am learning how to make jewelry is a process and I like that you are recycling. I cannot buy leather and feathers in stores just thinking about what I might be promoting in doing so. I ripped apart some old leather shoes I was going to get rid of and plan on making some earrings with that. Recycle, recycle! Keep doin what your doin! It’s great stuff! Very inspiring!

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